TThe Hastings Public School’s ShowCase Concert  was held at the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie, on the 15th of September 2016, it consisted of 21 Acts from Children in Public School Ranging from 3rd Grade to 6th Grade.

I have to say this evening we filmed the Hastings Public School Showcase at the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie, . The Talent of the children in this region after seeing this performance is a refreshing and I can honestly say it was a pleasure to watch the whole show. We will be selling the DVD for this production online or they can be ordered at the Hastings Public School. This was a great Nights entertainment from our young future children of Australia.. They should all be very proud of their hard work and efforts. That would have to be one of the best shows I have had the privilege to film in while.. Well done to Hastings Public School of Port Macquarie. and To the Children of the night who made the show possible I look forward to editing this project as it was a joy to watch.
David Collins